As a multidisciplinary social media advisory company, Cleversation works
with clients to create, implement and refine integrated marketing solutions.
We also provide training for social media and communication initiatives
to be managed in-house.

Cleversation was borne from the recognition of media producer
Ellen Friedland (Voices & Visions Productions) and business strategist
Stacy Robin (The Degania Group) of a need for social media implementation
plans for clients in the context of comprehensive yet tailored disciplinary
approaches. Thus did an award-winning documentary and corporate video
producer-storyteller team up with a recognized business and communications
expert to combine their insight, experience, skills and resources to do right
for their existing clients – and new ones.

The Degania Group begins to consult with
its clients on their "social media presence."

The Degania Group creates business
writing workshops targeted specifically
at writing for social meda.

Video company Voices & Visions Productions
attains success in social media marketing campaign
for documentary "Delicious Peace Grows in a Ugandan
Coffee Bean
"; followers include film critics of major
newspapers and film festivals. is registered as
Ellen and Stacy formally join forces and
begin to work on their new venture.

Cleversation receives official
Certificate of Formation from
the State of New Jersey.

Cleversation adds its first client
that is unrelated to Voices & Visions
or The Degania Group.


Cleversation hired to run its first
social media campaign for a celebrity.


Stacy moderates Constant Contact's
Social Media Marketing Bootcamp panel,
"Social Media and the Law."

Recognizing contextual needs inherent to
campaigns of prospective social media
clients, Cleversation expands its services
to include new and traditional marketing.

Stacy speaks on "The Law and
Your Technology" at Internet Week's
12 Hours of Tech.

Cleversation hired for its first multi-year,
comprehensive new and traditional
marketing campaign for a technology-related

Cleversation principals are speakers at
NJ Association of Fundraising Professionals
Conference of Philanthropy.